Child Custody Lawyer in San Bernardino

Dealing with a divorce is not something people look forward to. But dealing with a divorce when there are children involved can be so completely stressful. You don’t want your children taken away from you, and you want to ensure they are given the best care possible. This is when you should call a child custody lawyer San Bernardino. They understand how important your kin are, and want to ensure that if you are full able to care for the children that you are given some amount of custody.


Law Office of Joyce Holcomb San Bernardino family law firm and the court system want what is best for both parents and the child. The child having a safe environment is what is most important. You do need to ensure that you have a leading San Bernardino child custody attorney, because if you have someone who is inexperienced they may make your situation worse. You want to make sure at the end of the case you have the proper custody over your child.

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